Milwaukee Sports Performance Podcast

Designing Baseball Workouts for Performance

Written by Dr. Michael Falk | May 23, 2023 5:26:00 AM

Designing Baseball Workouts for Performance

Baseball , Podcast

This episode is all about how you can use the gym to support on-field performance. We interview Josh Seligman, the former head of strength and conditioning for the Milwaukee Brewers. While we talk a lot about baseball workouts, the principles we talk about are universal across all sports. 

Specifically, Josh and I cover:

  • His background and how he got 3 degrees before getting his start in baseball
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that separate the best baseball players in the world
  • What makes a good big leaguer 
  • His core tenants of how he helps players improve their performance on the field
  • Why performance training is much more than how much weight you can lift
  • How he helps players build, develop and structure their weekly routines
  • When to performance train in-season
  • His favorite “reloading” workouts to help players recover and get ready to perform
  • What he is doing now

Personally, my favorite podcasts are ones that I get to learn something, and I learned a lot talking to Josh about performance and baseball workouts. Josh now owns and operates Thrive Health and Performance in the Milwaukee area. He has a passion for helping youth athletes perform at their best and stay healthy, but he also is applying his background in strength and conditioning, nutrition and high performance to help everyday athletes like business owners and entrepreneurs to stay healthy and improve their performance.

If you want to learn more about Josh, his programs and his philosophy find him online.

On Facebook: @thriveantifragile 

You can listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts on Spotify, or at the top of this page.

At the end of this episode, we mentioned our free online mini-course on How to Keep Your Arm Healthy and Maximize Performance This Baseball Season. If you’re interested in this course, sign up below!


At Kinetic Sports Medicine and Performance, we specialize in helping athletes recover from injury. Our staff has experience helping players of all sports and ability levels get back on the field at peak performance. If you need guidance in your injury recovery, reach out to set up a free consultation with one of our Doctors of Physical Therapy today by calling 262-337-9331 or clicking below.

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