
Who is Kinetic SMP - Kinetic SMP

Written by falk | Mar 3, 2020 3:21:00 PM

Who is Kinetic SMP?

Who is a part of Kinetic Sports Medicine and Performance?

This is Part 2 of the What, Why, Who and Where of Kinetic Sports Medicine and Performance. 

We (Dr. Michael Falk &  Dr. Lauren Falk) founded Kinetic Sports Medicine and Performance out of our passion to help athletes.  We thought it would be good to let you get to know us better with some of our interests outside of rehabilitation and performance.

“We founded Kinetic Sports Medicine and Performance out of our passion to help athletes.”

More about Dr. Michael

I got into sports medicine because: Like many in this profession, I was an athlete that got injured. I was helped by my high school athletic trainer and got to experience the impact I could have on other athletes.  I later learned I love the detail of human anatomy, physiology, kinesiology and the science behind how we can restore and maximize human performance.

The best part of my job is: seeing the progress from day 1 of an injury or after surgery and when an athlete achieves their goal and gets back to their sport.  I love the emails or text messages updating me on how they are performing.

Hobbies: I enjoy reading, I generally have 3 books going at once, a fiction book, a personal development book and a journal/work related book. In the summer, I am a very average golfer, I water ski early in the morning when the weather is good and I enjoy stand up paddle boarding with Lauren. I am looking for a winter hobby if anyone has any suggestions!

Favorite Food: being a native of Dallas Texas, any tex-mex, but especially a good dish of queso

Sports growing up: Ice Hockey and Lacrosse

If I wasn’t a physical therapist I would be: a history teacher, I have always enjoyed history and loved my experience teaching in the Athletic Training Program at Marquette