Scorecard for a Safe Return to Running
No matter the injury, every runner’s recovery is different. So, the only way to know for sure that your body is fully healed and ready to perform is to measure and track your progress.
Don't fall into the trap of running in pain, resting for a week, and starting to run again only to have the pain come back.
Use this Scorecard to objectively determine when your body is ready to handle the stresses of running so that you can return to running pain free!
Free Download
Get the same scorecard we use with our recreational and competitive runners to determine readiness to begin a return to running plan.
What the Scorecard Tests
Our scorecard tests the key elements that are necessary to ensure you will be safe and clear of re-injury upon your return to running.
Range of Motion
Why You Need a Return to Running Scorecard
If you're a runner who suffered an injury, you could get stuck in a cycle or re-injury if you don't take the proper precautions to ensure a safe return to running plan!
Reduce Re-Injury Risk
If you are finally feeling better enough to start running again, the worst thing that can happen is causing another injury or flaring up your previous injury because you weren't actually ready to begin running again.
Limb Symmetry
If each leg has a different level of strength, your risk of injury goes way up. We want to test your strength in each leg to be sure that one leg isn't compensating for the other, causing imbalances that could lead to an injury.
Proper Range of Motion
Like limb symmetry, we want to make sure your range of motion in your involved joints are all ready for running so there is no compensating that could lead to an injury.
Peace of Mind
Getting back to running after an injury can take the joy out of running if you are constantly wondering if you are going to suffer another injury. Take the wonder out of if you are ready to start running again!
Download Your Free Return to Running Scorecard
Get the same scorecard we use with our recreational and competitive runners to determine readiness to being a return to running plan.