Avoiding the Top 5 Golf-Related Injuries

Avoiding the Top 5 Golf-Related Injuries



What's up everyone? Welcome back to another edition of our golf wellness blog. I'm Dr. Michael Falk, an avid golfer based in Wisconsin. Today, we're diving into a topic that's close to my heart: the five most common golf-related injuries. With Wisconsin's short golf season, it's crucial to maximize your time on the course without being sidelined by preventable injuries. Let's discuss how you can prevent these common ailments and enjoy a pain-free golf season.

The Dreaded Low Back Pain

Low back pain is the nemesis of many golfers, affecting anywhere from 24% to 38% of players annually. Over a golfer's lifetime, about 68% to 73% will experience this discomfort. Why so prevalent? Golf is a rotational sport, and poor swing mechanics, such as the reverse spine angle, can exacerbate the stress on your back. Lack of hip internal rotation and limited upper back rotation can also contribute. Plus, for less skilled players, poor mechanics like heavy shots increase the risk. Achieving proper posture, strengthening your core, and refining your swing can help mitigate back pain.

Arm Injuries: The Wrist, Elbow, and Shoulder

Next up are arm injuries, which we break down into three key areas: the wrist, elbow, and shoulder.

Wrist Injuries

Overuse is a common cause of wrist problems, leading to conditions like TFCC tears, which can be devastating. For amateurs, the danger lies in hitting heavy shots or not practicing correctly on mats, leading to stress on the ligaments, joints, and tendons.

Elbow Concerns

Tendonitis, either on the outside (tennis elbow) or inside (golfer's elbow), is prevalent among golfers. Differences in grip strength between amateurs and pros can expound upon these issues. Building grip strength and refining swing mechanics are crucial steps toward a healthier elbow.

Shoulder Pains

While shoulder pain can originate from past injuries, poor mobility or lack of control during a swing can exacerbate the condition. Ensure mobility and strength exercises are part of your routine to combat these issues effectively.

Hip Pain: Rotation and Mobility

The hip is another common spot for golfers to experience pain, crucial for both backswing and downswing. Limited mobility, previous injuries, and overall cardiovascular activity on the course can lead to discomfort. Strengthening and conditioning your hips through a regular exercise program is essential for long-term health.

Six Steps to Injury Prevention

  1. Body Awareness: Address muscle weaknesses and joint restrictions with a tailored fitness plan.
  2. Refine Swing Mechanics: Efficient movement patterns reduce unnecessary stress.
  3. Manage Practice Load: Balance practice with recovery to avoid overuse injuries.
  4. Regular Exercise Program: Incorporate strength, flexibility, and mobility exercises for wellness.
  5. Proper Club Fitting: Ensure your equipment is tailored to your needs to prevent mechanical issues.


Golf is a rewarding yet physically demanding sport. By focusing on these common areas of injury and implementing preventive strategies, you can maintain peak performance and enjoy a pain-free season. If you're struggling with golf-related injuries or looking to enhance your fitness routine, feel free to reach out for professional assistance. Together, let's ensure you’re hitting the green with confidence and comfort. See you next time for more tips on maximizing your golf game!

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