Ramping Up: Baseball Offseason Tips

Ramping Up: Baseball Offseason Tips

Episode 3 - Ramping Up: Baseball Offseason Tips


As the winter chill settles in Wisconsin, baseball is already on the horizon. I'm Michael Falk with the Milwaukee Sports Performance Podcast, and today I'm sharing insights specifically for our baseball community. With January marking the start of preparations, it's crucial to set the groundwork for a successful season. Here are some pivotal thoughts from my recent experiences working with both professional and high school players.

Start with the End in Mind

A common pitfall athletes face is misaligning offseason training with in-season demands. It's crucial that players prepare their arms for more pitches in their final bullpens than they expect in early season games. Game pitches are typically more stressful due to the competitive nature of the environment. Additionally, consider the full range of activities on game day, which can accumulate up to 300 throws—a stark contrast to practice sessions. To bridge this preparation gap, aim to throw about 50 pitches in a bullpen by March and start your season with around 40 pitches in your first competitive outing. Then, progressively increase your pitch count weekly. Communicating with coaches about game expectations and training together to create a safe, effective ramp-up schedule is crucial.

Account for Travel and Breaks

Spring break often disrupts preparation by creating a dead zone post-offseason regime but before the high school season. Plan ahead for how you'll maintain throwing routines during travel or holiday periods. If breaks in your schedule lead to downtime, adapt your routine post-break before jumping back into full-intensity practices.

The Importance of Intentional Throws

High-level athletes approach their throwing sessions with focus and intention. Whether working on specific pitches or using technology for feedback, each throw has a purpose. Younger athletes can benefit significantly from this meticulous approach. Collaborate with coaches to develop precise goals for each session, refining skills like pitch movement or delivery.

Develop a Comprehensive Physical Plan

The offseason is perfect for emphasizing physical training. Don't shy away from fatigue or soreness now—they indicate growth. Once the season begins, lifting sessions may be more about maintaining strength gained. Structure your training for high, medium, and low intensity to align with your throwing schedule, targeting areas important for mobility and strength.

Implement Effective Arm Care

Arm care shouldn't be an afterthought. While it's great to see athletes following regular band routines and working shoulder muscles, the focus should include enhancing maximum strength. Simple high-rep exercises aren't enough; incorporate higher intensity workouts into your plan to build strength and reduce injury risk. Use heavier weights or isometrics, adjusting frequency throughout the year to first make gains and then maintain them.

Test and Adjust

Just like measuring progress in gym efforts, assessments for shoulder range, motion, and strength are essential. In-season maintenance requires proactive testing and adjustment of both physical and throwing routines. If you're unsure where you stand, consider reaching out for an assessment to craft a tailored plan. These insights stem from our offseason work with baseball players, with lessons ranging from planning through execution and analysis. Starting with a clear plan, executing with intent, and prioritizing both physical training and arm care can significantly reduce injury risks and enhance performance. If you're intrigued by these tips or want to discuss them further, please reach out to us through our website. I'm always eager for more detailed conversations. Thank you for reading, and let's gear up for an exciting baseball season!

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